Documentation for Boards including:


Establishes the legal entity and outlines foundational structures and purposes, mitigating legal and structural risks by ensuring compliance with corporate laws and clarifying GEWO’s legal framework.

Terms of Reference for Board Committees

Specify roles and operations of board committees (the most important being the Audit and Risk Committee), reducing operational risks by ensuring focused oversight on critical areas.

Board Charter

Defines roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors, mitigating risks related to governance confusion and ensuring clarity in Board authority and functions.

CEO/Executive Director Job Description

Clarifies roles, responsibilities, and authority of the CEO, reducing management risks by setting clear expectations and basis for performance evaluation.

Board Evaluation Forms

Tools for assessing Board performance, mitigating governance inefficiency by providing feedback mechanisms to improve effectiveness. This could be for the Board as a whole, or of individual board members.


Detail internal management rules, including board structure and meeting protocols, reducing governance risks by providing clear procedures for decision-making and board operations.

Conflict of Interest Policy

Outlines procedures for disclosing and managing conflicts, reducing ethical risks by promoting transparency and integrity in decision-making processes.

Code of Ethics and Conduct

Sets behavioural standards for board members and staff, mitigating ethical risks by establishing clear expectations and promoting a culture of integrity.

Risk Management Policy

Provides a framework for identifying and managing risks, reducing strategic and operational risks by promoting proactive identification and mitigation strategies.

Strategic Plan

Documents strategic goals and action plans, mitigating strategic risks by aligning resources and efforts towards achieving organisational objectives.

Financial Management Policies

Details procedures for financial operations, mitigating financial risks by ensuring transparency, accountability, and adherence to financial standards and regulations.

Whistleblower Policy

Ensures a safe channel for reporting unethical behaviour, mitigating ethical and legal risks by encouraging transparency and accountability.

Privacy Policy 

Regulates the handling of personal data, reducing legal and reputational risks associated with data breaches and non-compliance with privacy laws.